
More interesting third day. Parental baptism by fire!!

Well, this is what we've been asking for and we got it!! And all that comes along with it. I think I've posted before about how Jada has pottied on Brandi. Well, Sherry, our guide assured us that in China, that meant good fortune for parent. I guess we can say our good fortune grew today.

We did get to go see where Jada was found when abandoned in the city of Beihai. I'll post more on that later. But, during the 3 hour drive to Beihai, Jada's fever came back. She hasn't been eating or drinking for all of yesterday and today. After the fever came, she started spitting up. She wasn't keeping anything down and she wouldn't take a bottle or a spoon. One of the other precious couples got on their cell phone and dialed up a pediatrician back home. (Yeah, that's what kind of quality people we're hanging out with in the Far East!). The pediatrician recommended we take her in.

It's unfortunate Brandi would let me capture the visit on camera, cause it was a sight. Basically, Chinese hospitals give IV's like US hospitals take co-pays. There was a waiting area and chairs with horizontal polls above all the chairs about 6 1/2 feet above the ground. These polls were where they hung the IV's. Jada got her first IV in the hand 2 days after we got her. They gave her antibiotics, fever reducers and glucose solution. Two huge bottles of fluid that took 3 hours to gravity drain into her via the IV.

She lost the fever, got her color back and was sitting up alert when all was said. Now, understand, this was all done by nurses and doctors who didn't speak a lick of English. Mrs. Sherry, our AWESOMEST guide from AWAA, did all the talking for us. So, just imagine a bunch of Chinese people poking and proding on your new baby talking a foreign language while you'er just standing there wondering what they are saying and what are they putting in your baby. But, they did a great job and Jada is on her way to recovery. We walked in and out for less than $10!!

Jada just took a bottle, so her appetite is good. Continued prayers are appreciated!


The Lamberts


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandi, Jered, Jada,
I've been following your travels since you left. I remember so many prayers for so many years. God bless your new family and Jada is absolutely beautiful and is so blessed to have you as parents. The journey truly begins now. What a journey it will be! I can't wait for you all to return. I can't wait to meet Jada. I can see already that she has such a sweet spirit.
My prayers go out to all of you and a special one for Jada's health.
God bless you
Brenda Clark

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude! 10 bucks! I know a few people battling with Ins. and doctors in the US so bad that they may consider moving to China for the medical treatment alone...seriously, glad to hear everyone is doing well. See y'all when we see y'all.



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