
Batteries Charged, Here's the Pics

This is Sherry. AWAA's #1 Travel Guide in China. She was with us from Beijing to Nanning until we landed in Guangzhou, then she flew home to be with her new husband. Sherry came with us to the hospital and was our ears and mouths. She has the heart of a servant and a God fearing Christian woman. It was a pleasure to have her serve us. She really took care of us. Goodbye Sherry, and thanks for everything! We love you!

I'm trying to take a picture of Jada, but she loves daddy so much, all she wants to do is hug me. OK, she was grabbing at the camera...

Now that Jada's healthy, she's warming up to daddy! It's good to have her healthy. She's such a joy!

We keep finding new tickle spots. She has such a beautiful laugh.

This is what we've been waiting for. Jada is healthy, vibrant and happy. This is the personality we've been without for the last 3 days. Welcome back Jada, we love your smile!


At 5:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my new daily routine is to get my coffee and run to the computer to see the new pictures of Jada. Thanks for starting my day off perfect everymorning. She is so full of life! I see love in her eyes already. I can't wait for you both to get home and begin the new chapter in your life as parents. it's what we are here for.
we love you! sharon

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The laugh photo is great! We can not wait to see it in person.



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