
Travel to China

We just got an email from AWAA letting us know they put a packet in the mail with more information about travelling to China! We're in AWAA Travel Group 116!

Excerpt from the email:
"The typical timeframe from referral acceptance to travel is 7-9 weeks. We will have tentative travel dates within the next 2 weeks. Concrete travel dates cannot be established until we have received travel letters (usually arrive within 3-5 weeks) and Consulate appointments."

They also gave us a detailed list to go through to make sure all our paperwork is updated and not expired or anything else that would delay the process. AWAA does such a GREAT job of dotting the T's and crossing the I's. What a relief that they are so organized and efficient. Really take SOME of the stress off of us during the process.

They have also created a Yahoo! Chat Group for those who are traveling together to China. We'll be able to get to know each other and share our referral pictures and neat stuff like that. I know in our LID (Log In Date) Group 219, it was pretty much an SEC crew. But, our travel group will include Groups 217, 218 & 219. So, the mix might shift.

Package should arrive in less than a week.


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