
Introducing Guo Liu Xin


AWAA just gave us a phone call at 1:30 pm today!! We have our little girl!!!

Her birth name is Guo Liu Xin and her forever name will be Jada Liu Lambert. She was born July 26, 2005. So, she will be a little over a year old when we get her. She's from the thriving metropolis of Beihai in Guangxi Province.

During a medical exam on 3/2/06 she had the following statistics:
Weight 18.7lbs.
Height 27.16in.
Chest 17.32in.
Head 16.34in.

She is an orphanage called the Social Welfare Institute of Beihai. We were hoping for a foster kept baby, but this is what was supposed to happen.

Some neat info: July 26 is Brandi's grandfather's birthday and his name was Luther, so with her having the same birthday and her name being Liu (pronounced 'Lou'), it was an easy decisioin to keep her first name as her new middle name.

AWAA will send a FEDEX package tomorrow morning that will include pictures and more detailed notes from medical exams.

Laurel from AWAA said she is beautiful. She has a round face, rosy red cheeks, full red lips and hair that's going everywhere! The referral pictures are usually a little rough looking and they usually change a good bit from the referral pics to when we pick her up.

Also, it is tradition in China to shave the baby's hair on their first birthday. But, since she is in an orphanage, they may not do it, but then again, they might do it. So, she may have a bald head when we get her. We'll see.

So, tomorrow we'll post pics and other info. But we have phone calls to make and fun to have.

Thanks again to all

Gered & Brandi


At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Gered & Brandi!!! I'm so excited for you - you will make the most fantastic parents. God bless the two of you!!!


At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have chills all over my body!!!!!!!!!

When we received our first daughter's referral pic she looked so "orphanagy". Of course, we loved her the minute we saw her but it is amazing what love and nurture will do for a child.....because of love and nurture our first daughter looks alive, loved, happy, nurtured!!

Tommy and I could not be MORE excited for the two of you!!

At 6:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Just got Aimee's email and found your blog. Congrats!! Can't wait to see a picture!!! Can't imagine how excited you two must be! :)

Robin R.


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