
Overview of the trip to China

This is my best guess what we'll be doing when we get to China, based on the information we've recieved so far.

Friday: We should put in up to 30 hours travel time, from Gonzales to Beijing! Can't wait for that. I think a portable DVD player is on the shopping list, we each already have MP3 Players.

Saturday: The first full day there starts with a tour of Beijing: Tienemen Square, 600 year old Palace called the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. In between those places I believe we stop at a pearl market and a silk factory (CHA-CHING). Request for pearls and silk will be taken on a first come, first serve basis, limited space and there's a 25% handling and shipping fee, all proceeds will go to buying Jada's pearl and silk gifts... :)

Sunday: We'll attend a church service at a local Christian Church. Then tour the Great Wall of China! Then we get to visit a Jade Factory! (CHA-CHING) See comment above... :)

Monday: "Gotcha Day!" We fly from Beijing to whatever Province Jada is from. Most of the time, the reception is scheduled for afternoon before dinner. But, sometimes schedules change or the orphanage or foster parents need to drop the children off earlier. We've seen it done differently. Sometimes the reception is done in a hotel conference room with Chinese and American flags and they put on a ceremony. Sometimes, they just bring the children up to the room, no pomp nor circumstance. Whatever, we're just ready to hold her. From what we can guess, there's alot of crying the first night and following day. Massive confusion for these poor little babies. I can't imagine what they are thinking and feeling. A little bit of crying the 2nd & 3rd day and the adjustment is usually complete after 4 days.

The next couple of day we may tour the local city sights. I'm not sure if there is paperwork to be done in her home province or not.

Then, we travel to Guangzhou, where the US Consolate is located. Jada will get photographed for her visa and do a physical examination. More touring in Guangzhou for a couple of days.

Next, we go to the American Consulate on Shamian Island to get Jada's passport and visa. More touring.

Then, we start heading back to USA. We should be in China 13-15 days.

Most of this is guessing, based on the many websites I look at that other families have made to document their experience. Here's one of the better sites of the Miller Family.

More to come. Thanks for visiting!!


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