
Welcome Home!!

We made it!! It was a loooooong trip back home, over 32 hours straight on a bus or car, in an airport or on a plane, but we have landed. The worst was the 14 hour Hong Kong to Chicago flight. Both me and Brandi had colds, my sinus headaches were really good. As far as sinus headaches go, they couldn't get any better. Brandi's cough was consistant and especially irritating. Jada was GREAT! She took 2 naps of 2 hours each and then a whopping 5 hour nap. So, she was out most of the 14 hours.

The only real problem Jada had was landing in New Orleans. Our ears were poppin' pretty good and she was crying pretty good and hold her ears. I don't know if that pressure thing is automatic or controlled, but landing in N.O. was one of the worst pressure changes I've experienced. My jaw is still sore from trying to equalize my ears. So that was the worst part for Jada.

We got home about 12:30am and Jada stayed awake until 2am. Then she woke up again from 3:30am to 4:30am. Then, we got GOOD sleep from 4:30a, to 9:30am. We all just woke up from little 2 hour nap. So, hopefully we'll be able to get on a normal schedule soon.

Sorry no pics of the trip home. We just weren't in the mood. But here's a little something:

Thanks to everyone, friends, family, co-workers and onlookers, who supported us during the trip with prayers and blog comments. We really appreciate you all.

Gered, Brandi & Jada


At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got your blog address with the prayer requests when you guys got sick. I've been hooked! Thanks so much for allowing so many to share with you on your journey. You were bathed in prayer by so many back home. I am so very happy for ya'll. Having 3 girls myself I took special note of how precious Jada was always dressed. (The bows are my favorite.) She's just like a little doll! I can't wait to see your family at church. You are so blessed! I was so blessed to share on your journey. Welcome Home!
Amy Cancienne


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