
Medical Exam and Shopping

This morning started off with the normal. Jada waking up, laying with mommy for a spell, taking a bottle, then walking around reaching for things she ain't supposed to. We know now that our house is no where near Jada proof. It took us 4 years to get the house Lucy proof.

Jada smiling for us again this morning.

Does this mean, "I'm still sleepy"?

Got her dressed in her cute little jeans and sleeveless shirt. She's stylin'.


We went to get her medical exam in order to get her U.S. visa. Imagine some 30 families, plus normal daily traffic in a small clinic lined up to get babies examined. It was pretty crazy, but we made it through. There were 3 stations, this was the medical and surgical. They just measured her head and chest and checked her Mongolian Spots and documented them. These are spots that look exacly like bruises. Most Asian babies have them 7 or 8 years and they go away.

This station they took her temperature, weight and length. She was 97F, 21lbs and we couldn't figure out the height. They were going pretty fast.

Ear, Nose and Throat. They made noise to make sure she responded, looked into her ears. Her throat was still a little red. Her respiratory was normal.

Then, we went to some nearby shops for shopping. We got Jada the standard gifts every Chinese baby gets. Traditional Chinese dresses and pajamas, squeaky shoes, bags and other stuff.

Both me and Brandi have caught Jada's cold. We're loading up on rest and liquids. They don't have anything for us tomorrow. Our guides are going to the U.S. Consulate and representing us in some interviews. Wednesday morning we have to go to the consulate for final interviews.

Then, Thursday morning we start the journey home! We are ready to get home and see everyone. See our house again.

More later,

Gered, Brandi & Jada


At 4:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good morning lambert family,
my routine now, checking for Jada pics, will they still be provided daily when you get home? Speaking of lucy, can't wait to see what they think of each other. can't wait to meet her. the best thing to do is get down to her vision level, look around. some parents take everything off the tables, i decided i was going to leave everything out and "teach" him not to touch. well, you know christopher so you know how that worked out. you will find your balance and will pick your battles.
have a great day, love, sharon

At 6:08 AM, Blogger daphne said...

Ok, I sooo do not have time to sit in front of my computer this morning because it is my turn to run carpool. Plus my girls want to know why I keep crying, lol.

There are no words to say after seeing your daughter in your arms. As a mom myself, I will just praise our Lord. Much love. Daphne Haynes

At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just cannot begin to tell you guys how excited we are for you. International adoption is definitely an adventure, one that is scary and wonderful at the same time. One that I know we will do again in a heartbeat. We have really be enjoying following your journey on this blog. We are looking forward to meeting Jada (she is so cute)!! Have a safe journey home! Blessings, Dina Slack

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys, haven't checke don you in a few days, glad to see everything is moving along She looks more and more beautiful each time I see her ;-)
I like the bows brandi! You know I make them, you might get a little happy in your mailbox ;-)
So sorry t hear ya'll are getting sick, but glad to know you're on your last leg of the trip, you'll feel so much better once you get home Too bad I wont be able to meet little Jada in person, at least not for a while, We're coming down in late October and of course we'll come visit the church, mayeb we'll see her then,
Love, Jessica

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Joseph & Cheri LeBlanc said...

I've been so busy I haven't had time to read your blog until just now. I can't stop crying! There is nothing to say other than Joe and I are praying for your safe return, and Jada is a very blessed little girl to have parents like you.
Love, Cheri

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just adding another comment to try and get ahead!! Ha Ha Hey, does this count??

Just joking!!

Enjoying the photos.
Hey, you never mentioned about how the grandmothers are feeling. Are they still there? Show some grandparent pics (if they let you.)

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi ~

I've been posting with Allison (Maggie's mom) through a parenting/cloth diapering message board for the past year, and began reading her site shortly before she left for China to meet her daughter in person. Through that, I've had the opportunity to read several of the sites created by the other families going through similar adoption journeys ~ yours included.

I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed "experiencing" the bonding process unfold as your daughter truly becomes a member of your family ~ and how happy I am as a fellow mother, to see a precious gift from God be given such a warm and loving home. :) ~ Maureen (Momto3Thatsme@aol.com)

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some photos that I know were difficult to take in this post. But you guys made it! We'll see you on the plane.



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